Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Journeys

Each year in the beginning we often say, "This year I feel change" and find ourselves within a few months in a repetitive cycle similar or of same life routines. The same ambitions, same goals, 'I wish this', 'I want to do that'. With out ever putting it into works. Well, as for myself this year, I started off with the "This year is definitely a different feel". As for what may lie ahead, or may actually happen.... I have know idea. But, what I do have control over, I will grab the wheel and punch the gas. For instance, I want to move into my own place again. I miss it. My own living room, my own bathroom, etc. I love my room mate and the pups, and will truly miss them but I miss my own place. I have come to realize as I have gotten older, as a woman, if you live with someone you would want to live with the opposite sex, not another woman. Having a room mate is great when your in your  20's or early 30's as your saving money, or as life throws you hard balls, but there comes a time when you want your own nest. It's my time.

Another change I feel coming on, lifestyle change. I want to be healthier, but a realistic healthy. I have alot of friends who have lost weight, gained it back or lost weight and kept it off. And then those, who have taken the easy way, and had 'The surgery'. I am young, I don't want to be on a roller coaster. I am lazy, and stubborn. I do things my way. However, I am always willing to try something at least once, EXCEPT  being Vegan. That is the ONLY thing I buck against. That is NOT, in no way shape, form or fashion a lifestyle I want to live. I love vegetables. But not enough to make that my ONLY thing. No way, no how! BUT.... I want to be healthy, I do incorporate, more protein and veggies and less carbs.  I have realized that sometimes I can be an emotional eater, but most of the time I starve my body. And that is why I struggle so much with weight. So this years plan is to educate myself. Due to so many food allergies that I have. I must educate and nourish myself properly with substitutes for fresh fruit, veggies and nuts. I want to lose weight not kill myself :)
I have been doing some research and reaching out to friends that I know have knowledge of this topic. I know that Diet is very key, and exercise. But as I said before I want to be realistic. Something  I know I can and will stick with.

My next priority this year, is my job. Being ambitious. Taking initiative with my career. I am currently taking a couple of tests to receive certificates that will enhance my education and prove that I want to excel. My work ethic speaks for itself. My loyalty has gone above and beyond, but I need a It's time for things to be paid for me. I need to make steps that will force reaction. I take a test at the end of the month that will hopefully get my dept's attention that I don't want to be stuck in this position forever. I need more advancement, more money. If it's more training, be it! Let's learn. I'm your sponge!

I know  there will be changes in my life this year, as  there are always life changing  experiences and decisions, etc. However, for once I would like to be part of the Captain team, instead of the crew.

So for now.....those are my three....I'll keep you updated on my progress. Until then....don't get bitter....GET BETTER!

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